Saturday, October 20, 2012

WTS: Think Tank Airport Antidote v.2.0


For Sale: Think Tank Aiport Antidote v.2.0

The best camera bag brand in the market, 

Kondisi: 2nd (bekas), kondisi mulus, tidak ada noda, tidak ada robek.

Included with: strap, dividers, dan laptop casing.

Harga: Rp 1.3juta

For further info, tinggalkan info/pertanyaan ke comment box dibawah, atau email ke salegarasi @

Bisa terisi dengan equipment sbb (saya copy dari review penjualan bag ini tentunya tidak include dengan equipment2 canggih sbb :-) 

Nikon D700 w/MB-D10 + Nikon 17-35mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S attached, hood reversed.
Nikon D300 w/MB-D10 grip
Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 fisheye
Sigma 14mm f/2.8
Nikon 60mm f/2.8D A-FS Micro
Nikon AF 85mm f/1.4D
Nikon 70-200mm VR f/2.8 AF-S ED hood reversed
Nikon 1.4x TC-14EII
Nikon SB-800 (x2)
Pocket Wizard Plus II transceivers (x4)
Pocket Wizard and 10-pin camera cables
2 CF card wallets
Various accessories (gaffers tape, pens, blow ball, etc.)
MacBook PRO 15"
Laptop accessories

Pictures below are copyrights of the respective owner(s):

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